Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Second Life of Transformations, Adventure, BDSM, and Fun!

Well, I have been around the block a few times in SL, from when I was just out of grad school to now that I am sort of all grown up.  I have done Gor, as a panther, a FW and a kajira and I loved it until the gamers took over, and I have been normal, and I have become a pony trainer which I  have come to really enjoy.  Now I am ready for an adventure - what kind?  Well, like most of my SL I intend to just live and see where it goes.  I do know that I will gather a good stallion, a pony or two, a dog, maybe a really exciting, pretty pet, and if I am lucky I could even attract a good man, a brother not intimidated by a smart, sassy, sharp, strong sister.  We will see if one of those exists!  Anyway, I will write about it, and I hope that it is interesting!

Please post!

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